How to Hightail

Say goodbye to your standup routine with Team View

Status meetings. Scrums. Stand-ups. Whatever you call those routine check-ins that require your entire creative team, external contractors and agency contacts to head to a meeting room, dial in to a conference call or fiddle around with video chat software (“Can you hear me now? How about now?”), they suck up a lot of valuable time.

The only real beneficiary is the project manager who needs to chart progress and uncover any blockers but that involves dragging everyone else from their actual work for as long as an hour.Now there’s a better way to gather valuable insights on your creative projects without an Avengers-style assembly, thanks to Hightail’s Team View. It provides a snapshot of what everyone is up to, like follow-ups that have been assigned to them and who has been asked to approve the latest creative.

To set up Team View, you need to be assigned a Manager role by your Hightail for Business account administrator. Your admin can do this by updating your Role from the Admin Console.Once you’ve been made a Manager, click on My Hightail from the top menu, access team view and select MANAGE TEAM.Next add the relevant team members from your company’s list of Hightail users.Now you have an at-a-glance view of what stage projects are at, who’s doing what and if there are any roadblocks to progress. It’s the best way to keep everyone moving forward together without wasting time in endless status meetings, scrums and stand-ups.

Watch this short how-to video about setting up your Team View.

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