
Little Moments Add Up To BIG Opportunities

You’ve got a couple of minutes in between meetings, or while waiting in line for coffee. Why not pull out your smartphone and check Facebook or the latest activity of your favorite sports team? It’s hard to use that time for “useful” work, and it seems harmless to spend a few minutes here and there.

The Absurdity of Time


With back-to-back meetings and a never-ending deluge of email, you probably head home with an inbox bursting at the seams with more work. When the chaos of the day settles, you may grab a drink and work your way through requests from your boss, colleagues, and especially clients. After all, the more responsive you can be to your clients and prospects, the more successful you’ll be on the job.

You put in the hours – and then some – trying to stay on top of everything and be responsive to your manager and your clients. However working this way day after day, week after week, can become exhausting.

So while it’s understandable why you have been spending those little moments here and there reading Facebook or Twitter, you can do so much more with that time. All of those little moments during the workday add up to a lot of time – more than 90 minutes every day between desktop and mobile. Even a fraction of that time can go a long way towards staying on top of your inbox, being responsive to clients, and getting work done while also leaving you more time at the end of the day.

To really take advantage of your entire workday, you need to set up your smartphone (not just your tablet) to be your mobile office. That includes mastering mobile apps and techniques so you can:

To take it a step further, you need to schedule a few minutes between each meeting to send relevant and immediate follow-up (next step, relevant documents, etc.).

Instead of tasks that pile up, you’ll be able to knock them off throughout the day. Instead of spending the first and last hours of your busy workday responding to emails, you’ll be able to focus on top priorities. Instead of putting clients off until the end of the day or end of the week, you’ll be more responsive.

At Stitch, we believe the right mobile tools can transform those little moments into extraordinary productivity boosters. We are excited about the sales rep who can close one more deal a month, the customer support rep who can reply to 5 more requests a day, the business development person who can establish one more partnership a month, and the CEO who can close financing and move deals forward in record time.

We believe you can take advantage of the morning commute, the time waiting for coffee and many other moments throughout the day, in order to gain a huge edge in your ability to be more responsive and get work done. Plus, you’ll have more free time to do the things you really enjoy.

Love to hear more about what apps you use to help increase productivity and save more time, comment below.

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